Monday 2 May 2011

Facial hair replacement therapy

I was recently on Stumbleupon the other day and found an interesting art project about heads in freezers.
"Amazing! Heads in freezers! That's genius!" I thought, and so decided to do something utterly original and copy them.
The art is in eye of the beholder or some rubbish like that I told myself and yet I still felt compelled to try and replicate some of the results of the other artist for myself.

All you have to do is take a picture of a finger moustache (and I typed "moustache" and not "mustache" because I am using the queen's English and writing it as Elton John would prefer!) and tag it as "715479030" so if anyone who joins the art project types in the tag all of our wonderful faces will show up on their Google machines using a digit representationally as facial hair that is restricted to the upper lip region as seen in examples below.

For a look at how the other experiment is going type "241543903" into the MacGoogler and have a look.