Monday 25 July 2011

Stock Animation

Here's a short stock animation I made using a bike I made from 2 lighters lying around, a camera phone and a nifty background I painted

And then I put it together as an animation in good 'ol Photoshop. The great thing is that you can use this as a little ending for things like music videos or home videos. I've put it as an ending to a little music video I made as you can see below. Enjoy :) And if you like the music you can go check out more at

Some Arb Pics I've taken

Here are just some arb pics

Monday 2 May 2011

Facial hair replacement therapy

I was recently on Stumbleupon the other day and found an interesting art project about heads in freezers.
"Amazing! Heads in freezers! That's genius!" I thought, and so decided to do something utterly original and copy them.
The art is in eye of the beholder or some rubbish like that I told myself and yet I still felt compelled to try and replicate some of the results of the other artist for myself.

All you have to do is take a picture of a finger moustache (and I typed "moustache" and not "mustache" because I am using the queen's English and writing it as Elton John would prefer!) and tag it as "715479030" so if anyone who joins the art project types in the tag all of our wonderful faces will show up on their Google machines using a digit representationally as facial hair that is restricted to the upper lip region as seen in examples below.

For a look at how the other experiment is going type "241543903" into the MacGoogler and have a look. 

Thursday 28 April 2011

Hum a tune

The drum kick is slightly on the left, the snare, slightly on the right. Guitar fills on the left.
Enter vocals. 
This is the intro to "You only live once" by "the Strokes" and it is glorious by all accounts and if you don't think so that's fine but please take heed of the health tip. 

Health tip: you are allowed to be wrong. 

However, knowing that you are wrong and not changing is the definition of stupidity. If you know you are wrong and do nothing about it you are, and I type this because I care for you, stupid. And as there are definitely no stupid people reading this we are back on talking terms and I can continue with this blog post :)

Now, this band is not the best band in the world for me but they have learnt something pivotal to music theory in this song. This musical idea is relatively simple - music creates a platform for emotion that can be conveyed beyond personal experience and in so doing, unites us by what is common, what we feel.

linguists have found that often if we do not have the language to explain and expand on a concept, it obviously becomes that much more difficult to express. You would think that with the English language continually growing daily with the additions of "LOL" and "smack-talking" there should be more words to express the impulse behind the action, the emo before the hairdo, and the fervor behind the feeling.

The language behind the articulation is the same that beats with a kick drum slightly to the left and a snare slightly to the left.  

Emotion is what connects us and what drives us.

At any rate, the song makes me happy. LOL

Please feel free to post songs that make you emote more than you can say.